Wednesday, 28 May 2014

This is my first Course up date in my new role and I hope to keep you up to speed as much as the Grass alows!!!!
The Work at present is focused on grass cutting as you can see the grass is growing at a rate of knots.
the Tees are being divoted on a daily basis but I would encourage you all to help by using the divot bags provided on the course.
the 4th Tee has now been cut twice and over seeded again we imaginge that another month will see a huge improvement and help us with a tee box that will grow in the shade.
The Greens are being spiked on a 3 week cycle with 6 being done each week,this week it is 1/6/7/9/11 and 18 the spiking helps with drainage and compaction helping root growth whilst helping eliminate black layers by encoraging arobic microbes this will also help reduce the thatch levels.
All the greens were Top Dressed last wednesday an 80/20 kiln dried dressing using approx 6 Tonnes we will endevor to to this every fortnight to dilute the thatch and promote a truer faster putting surface.
we are hoping to make strides with the first tee but the grass growth is our priority at the moment.
We are currently experimenting with different size tines to try to find out what is best for our greens and try not to dissrupt the surface to much during this essentail work


  1. Great news...

    If you can' t get to cut the grass due to rain , could someone trim the low branches on the walk off path from the 18th please?
    As even I am having to duck down !

  2. Yes will do also doing the back of 1st

  3. Brilliant .... Much appreciated
