Friday, 12 June 2015

Course Update
The weather has now brought us some growth on the greens and they are steadily improving. We're continuing our pencil tining as often as possible which will aid thatch removal, root development and water filtration as well as making the greens more receptive. Verticutting is also being carried out to promote truer surfaces as well as removing some lateral growth. The greens iron is also allowing us to aerate as well as improving green speeds.
The greens were last week sprayed with a wetting agent and seaweed mix to help break down surface tension and to aid with stress.

The tees have again been sprayed with a chemical cocktail and the par 3 tees top dressed.

The mound on 16 has now taken root and we are steadily reducing the height of cut to bring it down to fairway height. As stated on the scorecards newly sown areas are G.U.R.

Trees have been cleared round and we are gradually trying to tidy other scruffy areas on the course.

A light dressing will be applied to the greens next week which roughly works out at 5.5 tonnes for 19 greens.

Please continue to help us by keeping trolleys and buggies away from the greens and by replacing divots and repairing pitch marks

