Monday, 25 August 2014

Thank you

Firstly I would like to say a big thank you to all the members who supported the green staff on saturday. Congratulations to Russ Chapman for winning the gentlemens competition and Jill Atkinson who won the ladies. Lorraine Howd won ladies closest the pin in three on 13 and Paul Newell closest the pin in two on 17.

 We have continued to crown lift the trees to make it easier to cut the rough plus making balls easier to find.

Other areas on the course are being tidied as time permits.

The course recovered well after the rain the other Sunday and it gave us the opportunity to trial a machine which helps maintain bunkers by 'fluffing' up the sand. Sand in bunkers is being monitored and added as required.

The greens are still  being verticut weekly and spiked to a depth of 30mm which helps with thatch reduction. Topdressing was also put on the greens last week with another 5 tonnes being used.

We have also topdressed the tees and aprons which in time will improve the playing surface.

With the help of cultural works, topdressing and chemical applications we really hope to improve these areas with the help of golfers. By continuing to keep trolleys and buggies away from the green aprons it will improve the quality of the turf.

 Spraying of various chemicals to improve appearance, health and playability  have been applied in recent weeks and we are monitoring results to try and establish the best program for the course.

Thanks again

James, Mick, Richard, Paul, Alan and Billy

Tuesday, 5 August 2014

We have finally had a bit of rain which will hopefully green things up again. Some areas have suffered in the dry period with the green aprons taking a particular beating, which is why the white lines have been sprayed to help keep buggy's and trolley's away from these worn areas. I personally think that this should be on a permanent basis so that we really improve the quality of the aprons.

The greens have been sprayed today with a concoction of wetting agent and a concentrated seaweed extract which helps the turf recover from excessive wear and the stress from the hot weather.

The tees have been sprayed with a selective weedkiller and will be sprayed again in the next week with another chemical concoction which will improve colour and turf quality.

The rest of the course hasn't been growing as much which has given us time to start crown lifting the trees and replenish sand in some of the problematic problems.

